As an award winning author of DIAMOND, my story of CHILDHOOD TRAUMA is told through the eyes of a five-year old beaten until his adoptive-father drew blood from his little body, a young boy forced to do robberies to support his biological father's drug addiction, a teenager who's mom emotionally abandoned him after her first born child was conceived by rape, and now a grown man living with a mind wired for survival through a life of trauma. I suffered the greatest loss of my life after the loss of my son. My son TrePierre died from suicide by cop after a long fought battle with depression and P.T.S.D, but through it all DIAMOND, A.K.A Ronald A. Hummons became the story of redemption and glory and turned my pain into a movement of healing that will change the world.
I'm fighting for generations of African American children impacted by childhood trauma. I don't know if people understand how serious this issue is and how much of a crisis we're in but until we address the trauma component in our community we will stay in survival mode. Our children are hurting and unable to fight for themselves and need leaders that will advocate for them.
I am the blueprint for today's generation. Blueprints can be easily duplicated like an instruction manual. I was conceived by rape, adopted to man who had unhealed childhood trauma issues that led to him beating me at the age of 5, slept in abandoned building with my drug addicted dad as a child, dropped outta school in the 10th grade, then ended up in prison in my early 20's. I came home from prison to become a successful entrepreneur and author. I created Vision Caretakers Inc, a blueprint of the Ronald Hummons experience and went back into the prisons and created hundreds of entrepreneurs. I am the blueprint for so many things including activism.
think!!, the docudrama is a revolutionary film produced by Ronald Hummons. I wanted to create a tool that helps youth develop critical decision making skills.
think!! showcases real life inmates at a collection of Ohio's toughest prisons, as they share painful stories that led to their eventual incarceration.
think!! emphasizes why it's essential to "think" before you make choices and decisions that can alter your life forever.